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Portfolio Conversion Case Study

Business Need/Challenge:

A large Life Insurance company was closing a direct response unit populated by multiple products, policies and rate sets and 20+ carrier administration platforms.  The life company needed an administrator to lead the conversion of this direct response block off its own system and onto the chosen administrator's system.

Our Answer:

drias International prepared a team of subject matter experts who created and executed a custom conversion plan involving onboarding the block of business and transferring it seamlessly onto drias International's single administration platform.  drias International structured the project to fit the changing needs that arose during the conversion process.

The undertaking was an unqualified success and yielded the following results:

  • 650,000+ active insureds
  • 2,500+ master policies
  • 1,000+ rate structures
  • 30+ product types
  • Implemented a new claims and workflow system
  • Merged multiple carrier administration platforms into driasi’s comprehesive single system

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